Do you maintain a Positive Work Environment?

A key factor to a successful company is the working environment. A company will be limited in its successes if employers find the workplace negative or stressful. Adopting and maintaining a positive work environment can be tricky, especially when finding a balance and not ending up being under productive or unprofessional. Here are some suggestions to get that balance right.

1. Recognise Achievements

People will be less likely to want to work hard if their achievements are not celebrated. If the only time attention is drawn to somebody’s work is when it’s negative, people won’t see any motivation to give something there all. Make sure you notice hard work – and let people know their efforts are not in vain.

2. Don’t Micromanage

Giving employees some level of independence is hugely important. It will make them feel trusted to do a good job, rather than unimportant and like their views don’t matter. In turn, this will allow creativity to flourish. When empowered in this way, employees are likely to work both harder and smarter.

3. Remember Everyone Is Human

We are not machines or resources for your company. Accept some level of mistakes and oversights, or risk feeling constantly frustrated at the work produced, even if everyone is genuinely trying their best. Ensure that you allow some flexibility and work/life balance for your employees to avoid them resenting their work. A level of respect back and forth is key to a pleasant office environment.

4. Avoid Scare Tactics

An environment of fear is one of the worst places to work productively and positively. Try to instill in employees that mistakes are just opportunities and that taking risks should not be frightening. The ability to try and fail without fear will undoubtedly result in some surprising and innovative successes.

5. Check in with Employees

If you’re feeling unsure about the workplace environment, you can always ask. Reviewing what employees think and working things around them will keep them both happy and productive. Feeling like your opinions matter and issues will be taken into account is key to feeling positive about your work environment.

6. Invest in Training

One of the best uses for company budget is in training. Workplace success depends on individual employee success, and the best way to allow employees to flourish is by giving them what they need in a consistent way.

7. Be a Mentor

If you aren’t micromanaging and are allowing your employees more freedom with their work, you’ll likely have more time on your hands, too. Use this time both to innovate new ideas, and act as a coach to your employees. Offer your expertise and advice without over-asserting authority and encourage confidence in your team.