The Positives of Rejection

Whether it’s your first application or your 100th, getting rejected from a job application never gets any less frustrating. It is often taken as a personal judgement, when really there could be multiple reasons, many of which are probably out of your control. What’s significant when experiencing rejection, is using the feedback given and applying that to your future applications and interviews. What not to do, is give up or let it affect your confidence. Here are ways to turn negatives into positives when it comes to making your next application.

Reflecting on Feedback

If feedback is delivered in a professional and constructive way, then there will always be something positive you can take from it. If you’ve learnt that is was the way in which you portrayed yourself or communicated with the interviewer, then you know exactly what area in which you need to work on and better yourself. If it put down to amount of experience, then you can then make a point of ensuring you understand the experience level and requirements for any future vacancies you apply for, making sure you aren’t underqualified or unsuitable for the role.


Persistence is the key when it comes to being successful. Not giving up, remaining positive and focussed will be the reason you become more confident and learn from your mistakes. Instead of losing faith, explore didn’t avenues you could explore in order to achieve your goals.
If the feedback seems to follow a specific pattern, it might be worth exploring this further with a view to see how you can change your strategy to maximise your chances of success.  Very few people experience success in everything that they try.

Try alternative ways in which to approach Recruiters, try out a different job board or agency, consider different industries, broadening your connections on LinkedIn. Remaining proactive is a positive way to keep you eyes on your end goal and not get disheartened and distracted by not getting shortlisted or landing the job.

Rejection is disheartening, but it is a process. The way you respond to it will help to shape your future going forward.  Remember that sometimes rejections are due to factors beyond your control.  But by taking on board the useful feedback you receive and setting yourself realistic goals will help you to have a clearer vision of your strategy going forward and you will be successful in landing your perfect job.