Find Top Talent For Your Startup

As a small company, often with a small budget, it is critical to hire the right employees! Startups simply don’t have the time and money to invest in employees who will not stick around or add value to the company. Having a smaller budget also affects the criteria for candidates, as startups are unable to provide a huge salary. This generally gives startups the unique perspective of looking for creativity and talent, rather than someone who has X amount of years experience. 

We’ve put together the following guide for startups looking to find top talent:

  • Get Creative With Job Ads

If you’re looking to hire fresh, creative talent, it’s well worth investing time in making creative job ads that will stand out from other employers. Examples are: bespoke video job ads, work-culture focused job descriptions and blogs written by current employees about why your workplace is brilliant.

  • Look For Previous Startup Experience

As a small, close-knit team, look out for candidates who have previous experience working for a startup or a small business. These individuals will have more experience of what working for a small team entails, including taking on multiple roles and more responsibility when it’s necessary. Startup companies have a unique work culture which may not suit somebody who is used to working in large companies.

  • Creativity Is Key To Success

Startups need employees who have fresh ideas and will fuel innovation. Pay close attention to candidates with creative cover letters and unique CVs. Providing candidates with sample projects will show you how creative they really are. For example, if you are a marketing start-up, ask them to create a social media advertisement for a certain product or service. 

  • Social Media Expertise

As fitting in with workplace culture is a priority for startups when recruiting, use social media to find out more about a candidate’s personality. What is there online persona? It is also important that candidates are social media savvy, as social media is utilised in just about every industry. A good social media presence demonstrates that a candidate has a knowledge of social media, which is an important tool in today’s world. 

Recruiting as a startup is by no means an easy task, as you have to battle with larger, well-known companies who offer higher salaries. However, there are job-seekers who would like to work in a close-knit team where they would have the opportunity to take on more responsibility and use all of their skills. By following our guide, you will be able to attract and choose the right candidates for your startup.