Implement a Positive Work Environment in 2019

The recipe to successful company relies mainly on the work environment. A company’s success will be very limited if employees do not feel motivated, appreciated or stressed. Finding the right balance of a positive work environment can be tough, however here are a few suggestions to consider when trying to kick off 2019 in a productive positive way!

Communication is Key

Regularly checking in with employees proves a number of things. For the employees it shows that you are invested and interested in their work, progression and most importantly their views on certain things. For you it provides you with feedback with knowing what’s going right and wrong within the workplace and the areas for improvement. It will also allow you to identify if people are overworked, if you are understaffed, if your deadlines are realistic etc. Without staying in touch with your employees, a breakdown in communication and productivity will occur.

Employee Progression

The best way to allow employees to develop is by providing them with what they need in order to progress, and that is training. Monthly or quarterly training sessions or meetings within departments are proven to be a successful way for employees to learn new skills, identify their strengths and weaknesses and allow time for team building and bonding.

Never Micromanage!

A level of independence is hugely important to employees, especially Team Leaders. It makes them feel trusted to do a good job, rather than unimportant and like their views don’t matter. In turn, this will allow creativity to develop. When empowered in this way, employees are likely to work both harder and smarter. If employees do not feel valued or trusted this will in turn make them feel demotivated and unappreciated.

Recognise Achievements

Everyone loves to be recognised for their hard efforts and achievements. If employee’s accomplishments aren’t recognised and celebrated it will not motivate them to work harder. If only failures are highlighted, they will not see the point in trying to hit targets or deadlines. Ensure that you recognise hard work and efforts across the entire team.

Make sure you allow some flexibility and work/life balance for your employees to avoid them resenting their work.