Author: talentspa

When not to send an email

If the role of the HR is changing, then why shouldn’t the ways to communicate change as well? After all, it’s the onus of the HR manager to ensure right communication, in order to promote cohesive work process and contribute to organisational development...

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The modern resume – do you have the 7 keys?

If HR managers need to evolve and engage in smarter and better ways of hiring, so too do millennial job seekers. And it all starts with your personal marketing tool – your RESUME. This simple document (or video/presentation for that matter) is...

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How micromanaging affects employee performance

Have you ever seen a beehive? Or an ant colony? Not that they are very prominent to the human eye, but, if you observe, you cannot but notice a highly process-driven ‘organisation’ of sorts. The workers keep working meticulously at their own pace...

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5 must-reads for every millennial HR manager

The role of the HR manager has undergone drastic change. Beyond recruitment and administration functions, the millennial HR manager contributes to employee development and helps execute change strategies to ensure a thriving work environment. This...

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Can diversity drive employee engagement?

“We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their colour”- Maya Angelou The tapestry of organisational culture is also made up of different...

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Is your company culture on the right track?

‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’- Peter Drucker Your organisation’s culture forms the heart of your business and if done right, can take you and your team a long way. This core set of values and beliefs is vital in nurturing loyalty amongst your...

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